覺得 或許拉出來當一篇文章 會比較有幫助.
所以 以下為我加上中文翻譯及補充的新版本.

I started to do couchsurfing since this year August,so until now i practice it 6 months already.
我是在2009年 8月初開始加入沙發衝浪,所以 到目前為止 我已經成為沙發客六個月了.(但真正最後一次沙發衝浪是在2009年 12月中)

Why i started to do it,cuz i want to save money on travel.Then one day i saw 943
this girl's travel blog(i set her link in my travel link No.2,u could take a look,she is a very smart girl,n she know how to save money on travel very well.),n another Taiwanese girl's article in one travel book,they both talked about couchsurfing.

Then i think i must use the same way to travel,cuz it really can save a lot of money,n know more about other countries culture.

I still show u 943's article link in here,u could check it out!it's exactly talk about how to do couchsurfing,i also look her article to start to it.

N a little bit ways to do,i tell u in here:

1.Don't be affraid about sending requests to other couchsurfers,normally i have to send 10-20 message,then can find 1 host.
(很難說你想找某個人 ,他就一定會答應你,有時要看運氣,如果那個人是資深會員,評價又很高,通常就很難搶得過別人,機會不大)

2.It takes time to get replies,so better do it two weeks-three weeks ago(i usually do it 2 weeks ago..a little bit lazy)

3.If really can't find anyone answer,then i will join emergency group,to send last mins request there.(It works one time for me.)Or,ask exhost.(I did 2 times in London)
3.如果真的沒有回應 找不到任何人幫忙的話,那我會試著加入當地的緊急團體,po出最後一分鐘請求信.(這曾經成功的幫過我一次)或者問問看前沙發主能不能再幫忙留宿(這我在倫敦也問過兩次)

4.Another way to find further hosts is go to couchsurfing meeting.
U could join the destination's group,then u could see news what other people do there,sometimes some people will post message inviting anyone else to go somewhere or coffee tea,it's one way to be friend with more people,n find host.
(i had ever met one girl from China,she went to this kind of meeting very often,then one day her local friend helped her find a job in Oslo...Im not sure it is legal,but good that she can stay there longer.)
(在斯德哥爾摩沙發主家遇到的一位18歲德國女生,更是在前沙發主的幫忙下,在當地唱片行打工超過兩個月...而且她打算待半年,我們一起待的那位沙發主更是熱心招待她跟另一個奧地利男生,讓他們想住多久就住多久...不過 我還是要說 這麼熱心大方的沙發主 必須碰運氣,不是每個人都會把他家讓你當成自己家的)

N...couchsurf meeting normally in bar,u dont have to prepare money,u could just go inside the place talk with anyone,(if u dont want to buy any drink.)
As i know,the couchsurf meeting in London is every Tuesday in one bar near Holborn,n usually over 50 people there.

So,if u want to know more about couchsurfing stuff,or meet new friends,u could go next time.

5.Find a good host skill mostly like 943 said in her blog,find some people who already have some good references will be better n safe.
(even just two references,it's better then nothing!)But,of course,if have many then is even better.
5.找到好沙發主的技巧大致上如同943所說的,就是去找已經有一些好評價的會員會比較可靠與安全.(即使 只是兩個評價,也是比沒有評價來的好!)但是,當然搂,如果有很多好評價是最好的.

N..i also will check who login recently.(It means they will answer more quickly.)

6.Until now,i have 38 hosts already,around Europe,all from different countries,n i have to say,i really learned a lot from all of them.
(Cuz,they all have different life,different jobs,different country habits,.....)
I will keep do it more!N i wont regret!

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    Elise aka Hippy

    漪荔鷥's 彩色生活

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